I've always been a huge Europhile. I am passionate about all of it, the architecture, art, life style, the climate--all of it. One thing the Europeans do that can be frustrating or confusing to a mid-western WASP like me, is the concept of taking the month of August off. I forget about it until I need something from Italy. The reminder of "We are closed of course in August" first strikes me with extreme jealousy. My jealousy, though, eventually translates into a feeling of insecurity/panic. In America it is believed that if you take August off you will fail. You can't work for a company and get August off. That would be called quitting. "As you can see on my resume, Mr. Possible Future Employer, I took August off like the Europeans." As a business owner such as myself, the idea seems absolutely ludicrous. A week or maybe two at most-yes. The whole month, Oh my God, no.
Why I am on this subject in the first place is due to horrific circumstances. I've basically taken the last 2 Augusts off anyway. In 2009, a close family friend lost their 17 year old son to suicide. Tonight, August 16th, 2010 I am going to a memorial service for a 19 year old that died in a traffic accident. Her boyfriend (who my family is connected to) is in the hospital with 86% of his body covered in 3rd degree burns. These kinds of crisis's take one directly home with an instant paradigm shift in priorities. Business takes a second seat.
In the midst of all of this double grief, I thought I'd circle August on the calendar and skip it next year. It dawned on me this is what most of the Europeans do anyway. Something I've been envious of. Spend quality time with family and friends, eat, drink, relax. Business with all of this troubles and triumphs will be there in September (hopefully {that is where the problem arises}).
Why not? August is a slow month for both Italian Plasterworks and
the California School of Italian Plasters Why not just arrange to take it off? It might even be beneficial. Perhaps if I announce to my clients, "Hey, if you want to guarantee that we can finish your project before the holidays you better book us before we CLOSE for the WHOLE month of August." I could even spin it like this,in August, Italian Plasterworks will be in Italy studying the decorative arts a.k.a lounging around in really old cafes.
It all sounds really idyllic except for the fact I don't actually have the funds to be closed down for a month AND spend it on the Almalfi coast. I am so American that I will need a paradigm shift of my own to move past this reality I've bought into. Witnessing how quickly things can turn on dime--no parent should have to bury their children, gives me an incentive to do August Italian style.